“Putting an identity to things I see!”
As like most of us, we see things differently and most things pleasantly surprises us ! Either people, beauty, friendship, love, sadness, loneliness , uniqueness or even the ugliest can surprises us !
I believe the true form of beauty is not always what it seems!
It’s the element of surprise that give us all the wonders of all our senses !
It really is a gift that is nothing better!
The solo exhibition – “Observing Serendiptiy” represents his journey and the things that have pleasantly surprised Anthony so far.
For part of his current collection, Anthony has collaborated with some of my friends and family. They’ve kindly shared some instant reactions and expressed their feelings via paper by drawing a line or a pattern. With that he has translated those feelings and reactions and created this collection of artworks.
He also have other paintings where he doesn’t have subject matters but creating something from as simple as a few brush strokes .
Anthony ’s interest has always to Share his love of flowers, animals, colours and life Itself!
Observing Serendiptiy is his emotional journey, sharing what pleasantly surprises him in our worlds of wonders!
To RSVP to Anthony’solo show please Register Here