Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.
My Name is Arvee Gibson, I work profesionally as a Rich Media Editor.
Where do you get your inspiration from when you draw?
I’m inspired by real life and fantasy, Currently i’m inspired by artificial intelligence,witchcraft and tattoos
Digital Art
14.8 x 42.0 cm
AUD 50
What are the five words that people who know you would use to describe you?
Quiet, eccentric, soft, a good listener
Tell us about your very first job and what path have you taken since then?
My First Job was doing Laundry for an age care facility, I now do image processing and graphic design fulltime.
As an artist, what is your biggest frustration?
De-motivation and self loathing is what stagnates my art making process.
Digital Art
29.7 x 42.0 cm
AUD 150
Tell us about how you prioritise your art?
The Good old to do list–add it to your daily habits
How do you connect with other artists, and your customers?
I’m apart of Sydney Comic Guild, So working on art and gaining critique from people doing similar projects is a great way to gain insight on your work and the industry.
14.8 x 42.0 cm, Digital
AUD 30 incl. GST
Your advice to artist who are just starting out?
It’s a love hate relationship that takes time.
Tell us about your up coming SCG Group art exhibition Art at ArtSHINE Gallery?
My Illustrations are based on Dreams, with the advance of technology in Artificial intelligence I wonder if Computers will have or gain human like intuition. Dreams for humans have always been visually surreal warning signs from our subconcious, a kind of weird magic that comes from our brain to tell us more about what we want and what we desire the most.
What is your proudest moment so far?
Who do you most want to meet and why?
A Past relative from generations before me, I don’t know much about my families history so it would be
interesting to see what kind of person I am related to.
What is the most important lesson in life that you have learned?
Look after yourself, your the only one that can.
What book are you reading right now, and do you have a book you would like to recommend?
Surrender by Sonya Hartnett, It
Where do we find you and your products? (list stores & links, websites)
-abe art link