Enquire About Aftermath of the Golden Lotus shoe - Limited Edition of 5 (3/5)
Aftermath of the Golden Lotus shoe - Limited Edition of 5 (3/5) - Anthony Van Lam
Anthony Van Lam
Aftermath of the Golden Lotus shoe - Limited Edition of 5 (3/5)
Framed: 84 x 60 cmDigital paintingSold Although foot binding was banned for over 100 years, the ritual continued hidden away. Now it's at an end. Even the factories that make these shoes are closed too.
The young ladies are now senior but are not frail. They are strong, powerful matriarchs. Thinking of the aftermath of their sacrifice, they should lay flat, still and be not mobile! But an infant with sheer determination works the fields and gets on with their life. Most have raised children and grandchildren.
Here, I try to show the aftermath of it all. The woman is strong and resilient, like all women. She has survived. She was once a young girl; she married and worked hard. She is a mother, head of the family, is respected and a grandmother. She survived it all, and the respect is all the richness in her stories. The proof is she is still standing tall on her two feet!