Join Vinh Van Lam and Stuart Horrex as we celebrate the launch of a solo exhibition by Tony Edwards. This exhibtion is A HeadOn Photo Festival Associated Exhibition during the month of May.
“As I See It”
5 – 26 MAY, 2018
OPENING RECEPTION Saturday 11th May 2018 6pm till 8 pm
Yuga Café & Gallery
172 St Johns Road, Glebe
About The Artist
I, started my love and passion for photography almost 40 years ago when I purchased my first 35mm SLR camera. There have been many changes to equipment in that time and I started in photography even before autofocus lenses were introduced. At the time, I started with a fully manual camera with manual focus lenses. I have seen some of the great changes in photography. These changes include the introduction of SCAF lenses, Autofocus cameras, APS-C, the decline of film and the rise of digital. I mastered my art and love of photography on equipment that would be seen as archaic now. The one constant that stays true, through it all, is that a good photograph is taken by good photographers and the better you get the less luck or chance get relied upon.
In this new phase of my photographic journey, I am focused on producing images for exhibitions, bespoke pieces as well as photo books. Of course, I am still available for corporate and commercial work but it is the art of photography that is the most exciting aspect of my work.
Over the course of my career, I have had work published in various magazines as well as photographed album and book covers. I am more enthusiastic now about photography than when I first began. I now take and make photographs every single day.
Currently, I am following my passion for Fine Arts Photography which has lead me to produce work for an exhibition that deals with expressing my thoughts and expression on how I see the world. The images that I now produce show an interconnection between light and shade.
About Yuga Café & Gallery
At Yuga Café & Gallery enjoy the atmosphere of exquisite flowers and beautiful artworks while you dine on the seasonal delicacies offered by the Yuga Café. With Italian influenced café meals, superb Italian coffee & teas, Yuga also offers event catering and much more.
About ArtSHINE:
ArtSHINE industries works with artists, designers, and all Creative Industries Professionals to showcase their creative practices and their work. Founded by Vinh Van Lam and Stuart Horrex and originally located in the Chippendale Creative Precinct of the City of Sydney, ArtSHINE galleries are now popping up across a number of venues and spaces. So much more than physical gallery or exhibition spaces, the ArtSHINE galleries platform is an opportunity for Creative Industries Professionals to create immersive retail and gallery experiences. Retail and gallery sales allow Creative Industries Professionals to connect with their communities in a direct and personal way, and ArtSHINE is building a viable commercial future for artists, designers, and all Creative Industries Professionals by securing under utilised pop up, short-term & long-term spaces, and alternative venues to facilitate these engaging events and exhibitions.